From our touching toes, a spark:
I dare not ask, what’s behind your
wrinkles? Sometimes when you look behind
me I want to walk on your gaze
into your pupil & just settle
in there, your vision becoming mine.
I inhabit your void & we watch the projection
of villages burning together.
I wait for the days I would get impulsive
enough, or any tongue would slip
& spill about the war & before: that means
I would like to tear your heart apart by making
you talk & watch things get shattered.
Rather, I want a transfusion. Telepathize me,
will you? I long for what’s not given
to me & curiosity kills. I want to double
you & we can start from our toes.

DABIN JEONG (they/them) is a poet and translator from Seoul, South Korea. Their works have appeared or are forthcoming in The Rumpus, Quarterly West, DIALOGIST, Salt Hill Journal, The Maine Review, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Indiana Review, and Chogwa zine. They can be found on Twitter @dabinjeong___ or on Instagram @verymanybins.